The Illustrated Dictionary of Everyday Things was written by a teacher who started a list of common, everyday words that her students (from grades 2 - 5) didn’t know, but should have. That list became this book. If students learn the labels in this book, they will have a storehouse of words to draw from when reading, writing, listening, and speaking. These are the words children need to know!  The names of REAL things in their everyday lives!


Contains 62 common objects with parts labeled.

Contains an Index for easy reference

Contains 52 Tricky Questions and simple activities that will help the child learn from the book independently or with a partner.

Can also be used for bell work!


Activities in this TEACHING GUIDE using
The Illustrated Dictionary will help students:

1. Build broader concept knowledge

2. Strengthen word choice

3. Expand application of words across contexts

4. Build word relationships

5. Extend concepts

6. Increase understanding of multiple meaning words

7. Use knowledge of individual words to predict meaning of compound words

8. Visualize as they read

9. Make logical inferences while reading

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This page last updated 10/23/2023
