Vocabulary Word Walls, Centers, and Partner Learning 

Research suggests that retention of new vocabulary words is greatly improved if the students interact with new words in a variety of ways, and if teachers offer opportunities for spaced review. 

When I was a classroom teacher, I LOVED to hear my students talking about their learning. They were engaged and learning from each other. So I spent much of my time creating opportunities for them to do just that!  I believe that you will also LOVE hearing your students work together to enhance their understanding and retention of new vocabulary

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So busy at our Vocabulary Center

141 pages of Ideas, Pictures, and Forms  -  Download Now for only $9.95 

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The pictures in this book (Sections I & II) will help students learn the basic vocabulary necessary for reading comprehension and precise writing. The pictures will help with their reading comprehension, by giving them the words they need to visualize as they read, make inferences, determine meanings of unknown words, and draw conclusions. It will improve their writing by giving them the words they need to make their writing precise when writing about their daily activities and fictional pieces.

The activities in Sections III & IV are all about giving your students the opportunity to interact with new words in a variety of ways op for spaced review. You will find plenty of ideas for vocabulary centers, partner learning and using word walls. The activities address two of the 4 broad research-based practices for building vocabulary: building word consciousness and revisiting new knowledge (the 4th part of explicitly teaching new words). Section IV gives you actual templates (forms) that students can use during partner learning or at the vocabulary center. Some even require students to make activities for their partners. FUN!

This page last updated 10/20/23
